Renders text written in 18 different languages.Choose from seven beautiful fonts, three easy-to-read page colors, and three useful page layouts-including Book, Full Screen, and Scroll.Highlight and add notes with built-in bookmarking features.If you are the type who likes to keep all of your reading content in one place, you will be pleased with the free iBooks.

The reading experience is quite enjoyable. When PDFs are added through iTunes, or through App file sharing, a separate book shelf is added for PDFs. With Apple's iBooks, PDF support is front and center.

Here we would recommend 4 free PDF viewers for iPhone with excellent capabilities in reading PDFs that are enjoying wide popularity. Moreover, what they require is more than simply reading PDF documents for most business people. However, there is no decent PDF viewers preinstalled on iPhone and hunting for the best free PDF readers is a challenge because there aren’t too many that are truly free and don’t require an eventual upgrade. For an iPhone user whose life is on the way, PDF Reader is a must-have application.