Mod insimenator sims 2
Mod insimenator sims 2

mod insimenator sims 2

  • Meduza_VampiresCantStuffFace_AL-MG - choose this version if your latest EP is Apartment Life or M&G.
  • Choose this version if your latest EP is Seasons, Bon Voyage or Free Time.
  • Meduza_GummiluttStuffFaceEnabled_VampiresNonauto_SSN-FT - incorporates Hidden interactions enabled part 2.
  • Choose this version if you only your latest EP is Night Life, Open For Business or Pets.

    mod insimenator sims 2

    Meduza_GummiluttStuffFaceEnabled_VampiresNonauto_BG-Pets - incorporates Hidden interactions enabled part 2.Choose this version if your latest EP is Apartment Life or M&G. Meduza_GummiluttStuffFaceEnabled_VampiresNonauto_AL-MG - incorporates Hidden interactions enabled part 2.This mod bans vampires from autonomously stuffing their faces. Remove Midge’s mod and replace it with mine. These 3 drinks won’t cause food poisoning. TS3 plasma drink conversion by True Blood by fanseelamb.

    mod insimenator sims 2

    I edited mod to allow vampires autonomously take and eat custom blood meals:

  • midgethetree_vampirescanteatfoodExceptBloodDrinks.
  • They can still can be ordered to eat snacks from a fridge. This mod bans vampires from taking autonomously snacks from a fridge.
  • Meduza_VampiresCantAutonomouslyEatSnacks.
  • This set of mods is an expansion of Vampires Can’t Eat Food. Jellymeduza: Vampires can’t eat food excpet for blood drinks

    Mod insimenator sims 2